
Maximizing Patient Compliance – TC011

Neuroscientists have learned the exact triggers that lead consumers to make purchase decisions. We discuss these triggers and learn how to apply them within your practice to significantly improve patient compliance, clinical outcomes and skyrocket revenues!

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Braces - Retainer - 4 phases analogy

“Braces without Retainers?” – TC010

How to communicate to your patients their need for ongoing care once the pain is gone. An easy and fun way to increase care acceptance and convert pain patients to life-long wellness care patients.

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“Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire” – TC009

Finding, hiring and retaining quality people will immunize your practice against a “staff infection”. I share with you my processes for developing a practice’s most valuable asset: the staff. Here is the ad I discussed in the podcast: FT Chiropractic Clinical Assistant – Rare Career Opportunity Are you interested in working on an integrated team…

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“Millionaire Medical Matchmaker” – TC008

Developing relationships with MDs and securing their referrals is easier than you think, let me help you!

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Chef Gordon Ramsay

“Chiropractic Nightmares” – TC007

If Chef Gordon Ramsay filmed a new TV show titled “Chiropractic Nightmares” in your clinic, how would you fare?

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chiropractic marketing wealth creation

Rich Chiropractor, Poor Chiropractor – TC006

In this episode, I share the lessons I learned that literally transformed my life. What the rich think about money that the poor do not, and vice versa.   Resources Rich Dad Poor Dad – The one book that I can point to that literally changed my life. Author Robert Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective through…

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What Matters Most to Chiropractic Patients? – TC005

Patients have spoken! What they value most in their health care choices, and what matters not. We apply this groundbreaking information to our chiropractic practices. What chiropractic patients want most!

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Success or Failure

Five Reasons Chiropractors Fail – TC004

There is an unfortunately high rate of failure in our profession. I discuss the five biggest reasons chiropractors do not succeed in practice.

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Referral Practice | Thriving Chiropractor

TC003 – “The Secrets to Building a Chiropractic Referral Practice”

The surest way to become a thriving chiropractor is to master the art of generating referrals from your existing patient population. In this episode, we discuss research proven techniques that generate results, and I share my own secrets for building a large chiropractic practice through referrals. Resources Books The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to…

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“A Chiropractor’s Roadmap to Internet Marketing” – TC002

The six basic steps every chiropractor must follow to guarantee success with their internet marketing strategy. This episode is an overview of topics we will be discussing in-depth in upcoming episodes. By following the steps as outlined, you will maximize your ROI and fill your schedule! Resources Books Book Yourself Solid Illustrated: The Fastest, Easiest,…

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