Thrive: To grow vigorously. To flourish. To increase in wealth or success; to prosper. To be profitable.

I am Eric Mitz, DC. I am a Logan graduate and practicing chiropractor. I have a wonderful family (married with six kids) and terrific friends. I am active in my community and church, offering up my time, talents and treasure.

I like love being a chiropractor.

My typical family practice is large, profitable and growing. I have a staff of professionals working with me and business operation systems that allow me to focus on my patients, and literally nothing else while at the office. I have a variety of patients with challenging issues and no two days are the same.

I have bought, profitably operated, and subsequently sold four other brick-and-mortar businesses, none health-care related, all while practicing. I have also operated several online business, also while practicing. All of these businesses generated significant passive revenue streams. I have been a consultant to several companies and mentored several aspiring entrepreneurs.

I work hard and play hard.

I have had my ass kicked a few times — both personally and professionally. I learned from my mistakes and hope to learn from the mistakes of others.

I am thriving.


The Thriving Chiropractor's mission:

  • Cultivate a tribe of superb chiropractors dedicated to helping each other thrive

  • Create fresh, useful, and professionally produced content that will help our tribe

  • Seek out others with knowledge or skills that will benefit our tribe

  • Share my knowledge and skills with our tribe and encourage others to do the same

Sound good to you? Ready to thrive? Me too.