
“A Chiropractor’s Roadmap to Internet Marketing” – TC002

The six basic steps every chiropractor must follow to guarantee success with their internet marketing strategy.

This episode is an overview of topics we will be discussing in-depth in upcoming episodes. By following the steps as outlined, you will maximize your ROI and fill your schedule!



Book Yourself Solid Illustrated: The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling – This is the one book I give as a graduation gift to all new graduates from chiropractic college and is required reading of my associates.  Absorbing this book enables you to adopt the right promotional perspective and provides the strategies, techniques, and skills necessary to get more clients and increase profits. Through verbal and written exercises, you’ll discover the keys to developing a strong marketing plan and brand image. Essential!

The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself – Although only briefly discussed in the podcast, referrals are truly THE best way to build your practice. The secret to generating referrals lies in understanding the “Customer Referral Cycle”-the way customers refer others to your company who, in turn, generate even more referrals. Businesses can ensure a healthy referral cycle by moving customers and prospects along the path of Know, Like, Trust, Try, Buy, Repeat, and Refer. By following this system, my practice generates referrals in a reliable and predictable fashion.